Our goal as a congregation is to conform our lives to God's character and, by being transformed into God's likeness, to transform the world around us into a place where God's will is made real like it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:9-15)
Toward that end, we are not focused on conforming to a set of beliefs, but to a way of life. This way of life expresses faith in God in all that we do. We are God's servants to the extent that we actually live for him. (James 2:14-26)
We are a diverse congregation both ethnically and socially. You will see our diversity reflected in pictures of activities on this website. We believe people are valuable because they are God's children not because of their skin color or income level. (Galatians 3:26-29)
God is amazing and he knows best how you and I should live. We in the Dover Church of Christ strive to live according to God's character and invite you to join us on the journey. If you want to know more about who we are and what we are like, I invite you to visit us for one of our gathering times. The best way to get to know a group of people isn't by reading about them but by talking face to face. Our doors stay open!
The Dover Church of Christ is a Christ centered congregation of God's people. Although we are located in the city of Dover, our membership consists of families throughout the Delmarva area. This congregation holds dear the values of discipleship and family. Our focus during all of our meetings is to strengthen and equip our members and those that are visiting with every tool necessary to grow and develop as children of the one true living God. No matter the age, race, or gender, our commitment is for all that attend our services to come away encouraged, challenged, and inspired to do the work of the Lord.
A worship leader will lead the church in singing. Songs will be projected on the overhead or can be found in the song book located below the chair in front of you. Our singing style is called "acappella", which simply means that we sing without instrumental accompaniment.
Each Sunday, the Lord's Supper is celebrated to remember Christ's death for our sins and his resurrection from the dead. All believers are invited to join us. First, unleavened bread will be passed and then a tray with small cups of grape juice.
We take a collection each Sunday to finance the work of the church. Guests are welcome to participate, but should not feel obligated in any way. Instead, the green visitor cards can be dropped in the collection plate at that time to let us know that you came to join us.
Our minister or another designated speaker will present a 30-45 minute lesson from the Bible to help us understand God's word more fully and apply biblical teachings to our everyday lives.
Sunday worship services meet at 11 am and 6 pm at our main building located at 1156 South Governors Ave. in Dover. Please refer to the map below for directions. For further questions, please contact us by phone at (302) 674-2838 or send us a request here.
In Person Worship - Rules for Attendance
We will continue to stream our worship services online here along with our Midweek Bible Study here even as we follow the CDC's guidelines working toward reopening to public worship at full capacity. Please adhere to the expectations set by the governor and CDC at all times. See the rules and guidelines for worship here.
Resources - Our Committment to the Community
Please find the growing list of resources available to help cope with the Coronavirus pandemic by following us on our social media platforms or clicking here to get a current list.
We appreciate every person or group that generously gives to the work of the Lord. We take very seriously the responsibility of managing the resources that God has entrusted us with. In order to ensure that we properly account for your generous donation, please take a minute to fill out the form below when giving a donation. Please note if there is a special cause or area of need that you wish to earmark your donation with.